Calling Plan

Arkham Telegraph and Telephone (AT&T) is pleased to announce its new long distance plan. This revolutionary offer will save subscribers over 50% from the competition's best offer, and over 75% from 1-800-COLLECT. We call it "The Call of Cthulhu."

Plus, by making use of a new transatlantic cable (made possible by our subsidiary, Marsh Communications of Innsmouth (MCI) ), we will be able to save you not 25%, not 50%, but *80%* on overseas calls!!! Plus, by joining our "friends and family" program (in which we make you, literally, "part of the family"), you will *not be charged* for calls to friends an family after 12 midnight weekdays and 1 AM on weekends.

Compare our rates with the competitions:

1-hour call from Boston to:

New York City $0.003 vs. $3.50
Chicago 0.050 vs. 75.67
Los Angeles 0.100 vs. 97.67
R'yleh 1.000 vs. NOT AVAILABLE
Lost city of Kadath 10.000 vs. NOT AVAILABLE
Plateau of Leng first born child vs. NOT AVAILABLE
The difference is clear.

DIAL 1-800-CTHULHU!!! On to the next joke Dick and Jane meet Cthulhu

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