The D20 Spam Scene - by Bacchus F
Scene: A FLGS. One table is occupied by a group of Fanboys playing d20. Whenever the word "d20" is repeated, they begin singing and/or chanting. A gamer and his girlfriend enter.

Gamer: You sit here, dear.

Girlfriend: All right.

Store Owner: Morning!

Store Owner: Morning!

Gamer: Well, what've you got?

Store Owner: Well, there's GURPS; HERO; TRISTAT; FUDGE; BRP and d20; d20 UNISYSTEM and d20; d20 FUZION d20 d20 CODA and d20; d20 SILHOUETTE d20 d20 CODA d20 INTERLOCK and d20;

Fanboys: d20 d20 d20 d20...

Store Owner: ...d20 d20 d20 TRISTAT; d20 d20 d20 d20 d20 d20 OGL d20 d20 d20...

Fanboys: d20! Lovely d20! Lovely d20!

Store Owner: ...or a completely generic system capable of unlimited expansion with tons of feats, new classes, special abilities, a point based character creation system, specific critical hit tables, pre-painted minis, fully integrated LARP rules with war gamming support, and FUZION mixed in and d20.

Girlfriend: Have you got anything without d20?

Store Owner: Well, there's d20 FUZION SILHOUETTE and d20, that's not got much d20 in it.

Girlfriend: I don't want ANY d20!
Gamer: Why can't she have GURPS d20 and SILHOUETTE?

Girlfriend: THAT'S got d20 in it!

Gamer: Hasn't got as much d20 in it as d20 FUZION SILHOUETTE and d20, has it?

Fanboys: d20 d20 d20 d20... (Crescendo through next few lines...)

Girlfriend: Could you do the GURPS d20 and SILHOUETTE without the d20 then?

Store Owner: Urgghh!

Girlfriend: What do you mean 'Urgghh'? I don't like d20!

Fanboys: Lovely d20! Wonderful d20!

Store Owner: Shut up!

Fanboys: Lovely d20! Wonderful d20!

Store Owner: Shut up! (Fanboys stop) Bloody Fanboys! You can't have GURPS d20 and SILHOUETTE without the d20.

Girlfriend: I don't like d20!

Gamer: Sshh, dear, don't cause a fuss. I'll have your d20. I love it. I'm having d20 d20 d20 d20 d20 d20 d20 OGL d20 d20 d20 and d20!

Fanboys: d20 d20 d20 d20. Lovely d20! Wonderful d20!

Store Owner: Shut up!! OGL is off.

Gamer: Well could I have her d20 instead of the OGL then?

Store Owner: You mean d20 d20 d20 d20 d20 d20... (but it is too late and the Fanboys drown his words)

Fanboys: (Singing elaborately...) d20 d20 d20 d20. Lovely d20! Wonderful d20! d20 d-d-d-d-d-d d20 d-d-d-d-d-d d20. Lovely d20! Lovely d20! Lovely d20! Lovely d20! Lovely d20! d20 d20 d20 d20!