GURPS by Pope Nag

(A convention hall. Roleplayers bustle about, telling people about their characters. Mr. Praline enters the hall, and heads straight for the table marked 'GURPS'.)
Praline Excuse me, I would like to play GURPS, please. (the man behind the table points to next table; to camera) The man's sign must be wrong. I have in the past noticed a marked discrepancy between these Demo Games signs and the activities carried on beneath. But soft, let us see how Dame Fortune smiles upon my next convention adventure! (he goes to next table) Hello, I would like to play this character, please.

Man: You what?
Praline: My GURPS character, Eric.
Man: How did you know my name was Eric?
Praline: No no no, my character's name is Eric, Eric the Dwarf. 'E's got a katana.
Man: A what?
Praline: He wields a katana.
Man: You've brought your own character, and he wields a katana?
Praline: Yes. I made him a 2000 point character. I didn't like the others, they were all too mortal.
Man: You must be a munchkin.
Praline: I am not a munchkin! Why should I be tied with the epithet munchkin merely because I have a katana? I've heard tell that John Tynes has a Dai-Klave and you wouldn't call him a munchkin; furthermore, Rebecca Borgstrom, the lady writer, had a abhorrent blade, called Atrocity, Gary Gygax has two classes, both specializing in katana, and J.R. Blackburn had a one-handed broadsword! So, if you're calling the author of 'HackMaster' a munchkin, I shall have to ask you to step outside!

Man: All right, all right, all right. You made a 2000 point character?
Praline: Yes.
Man: With a katana.
Praline: Yes.
Man: You are a munchkin.

Praline: Look, it's all pointbalanced, isn't it? I had the 'looks cool in a trenchcoat' advantage with my Elven ranger Eric, and I've got the 'gets to reroll all dice' advantage for my Dwarf character Eric...
Man: You don't need an advantage to roll dice.
Praline: I bleeding well do and I've got it. Ho, ho, you're not going diceless on me here.
Man There's no such thing as a 'gets to reroll all dice' advantage.
Praline: Yes there is!
Man: No there isn't!
Praline: Is!
Man: Isn't!
Praline: Is!
Man: Isn't!
Praline: Is!
Man: Isn't!
Praline: Is!
Man: Isn't!
Praline: Is!
Man: Isn't!
Praline: Is!
Man: Isn't!
Praline: What's that then?
Man: This is a character sheet with the word 'background' crossed out and 'gets to reroll dice' written in in crayon.

Praline: The book didn't have the proper character sheet.
Man: What book?
Praline: The GURPS book.
Man: Munchkin D20, you mean.
Praline: It's people like you what cause unrest.
Man: All right, what GURPS book?
Praline: The GURPS Basique Set.
Man: Basique?
Praline: It was spelt like that on the cover. It's the ultra rare 3rd edition misprint! I never seen so many bleeding typos. The folks on E-bay said, that the immor(t)al disadvantage (10 pts) was just the tip of the iceberg.
Man: How much did you pay for this?
Praline: Sixty quid, and eight guineas for the splat book.
Man: What splat book?
Praline: Malkavian. In V:TM, I play a 3000 year old Malk called Eric.
Man: Are all your characters called Eric?
Praline: There's nothing so odd about that: Gary Gygax had an entire line of products all called Lejendary!
Man: No he didn't!
Praline: (takes book from pocket) He did, he did, he did, he did and did. There you are. 'Gary Gygax, the ones that got away' by E. W. Swanton with a foreword by Paul Anka, page 91, please.
Man: (referring to page 91) I owe you an apology, sir.
Praline: Spoken like a gentleman, sir. Now, are you going to let me play this character?
Man: I promise you that I have a whole set of pregens. You don't need one.
Praline: Then I would like a statement to that effect signed by Steve Jackson.